Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Geezers.

Turns out, The Geezers were not a bunch of old men and they had a couple of young guys on their team. One of which might have been a ringer. He hit a bomb to left in the first inning, but Dan was there to make a sweet catch. We actually held them in the first inning and scored too, so we were ahead. Until the second inning. Turns out they can hit. A lot. Unfortunately, we were not able to give The Geezers a heart attack and we lost something like 10-5. It was a good effort though, and there were many excellent plays. CJ handled a tough throw to second to end an inning. Mimma had a pretty good stop in right field. We also managed to hold onto the ball and didn't make a bunch of dumb throws. So, that's a good thing to build on. Baby steps.


Carrie said...

Tyler, you don't come to enough games. ROB made that catch in left field. ;)

Stupid football and bowling.

Tyler said...

Didn't I say Rob?

Tyler said...

Cuz I really meant Rob.