Friday, August 7, 2020

San Diego Padres

 Someone on MLB Network said that the Padres were going to be good.  Since that turned out to be true let's assume it was Harold Reynolds.  That guy does a good job of liking baseball and talking about it.

The Dodgers won the series 2-1 and that's good considering how atrocious the offense was.  Over the three games series they hit .200 with 22 Strikeouts.  Let's give credit where credit is due.  The staring pitchers for the Padres looked really good.  Lamet and Richards both had velocity and serious movement on their pitches.  

The starters for the Dodgers had a 4.86 ERA over the three game set so the person that we have decided is Harold Reynolds was spot on.

It seems like the difference was that the Dodgers got the hits they needed when they needed them.  The other difference was that the Padres looked like they tried to do too much when it came to base running.  I don't if that was players losing their marbles or Glenn Hoffman just waving everybody through but it helped.

The Dodgers are 9-4.  Hopefully Mookie's finger is feeling better and Corey's calf is feeling better and Cody's whatever stops getting in the way.

Now the Giants are coming back to town.

They are the next step toward...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the Dodgers were lackadaisical in this series. Maybe it has something to do with the fact they only have a cardboard cutout audience. no one cheering.