Monday, April 3, 2017

Game 6 - This

THE TEAM started F League scoring 21 runs, hitting a season high .762, and striking out zero times.  Strong!  Twelve players played.  Twelve players had hits, 10 players had RBIs.

Daniyel had a slow start to the Winter 2017 Season.  Then she started pulling her hands all the way through the zone and hitting began.  THE TEAM has an adorable little two game winning streak now and Daniyel is hitting .600 with an RBI in those wins.  

Of course everybody is contributing.  THE TEAM is The Ass of Badness.  That sounds like a Google Translation doesn't it?  If you have Google Translate Bad Ass into German you get Knallhart.


Who wants that nickname?

Just for kicks,Ass of Badness in German is Arsch der Schlechtigkeit.

I think we have Victor's nickname.

#27 Arsch der Schlechtigkeit

Maybe Arsch der Fucking Schlechtigkeit?


It was a great win.  THE TEAM can still win it all in F League so...


1 comment:

Melody said...

Perfect name for Victor.